
02.10.2024 The Photo section has been created.
23.09.2024 Book of abstracts has been added to the Program & Abstracts section.
20.09.2024 Dear colleagues, please note that the registration on September 23  will take place at the Institute of Physics (Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya st. 16a)
16.09.2024 The final version of the conference program has been added to the Program section.
28.08.2024 Preliminary conference timetable has been added to the Program section.
22.08.2024 Внимание участников конференции, представляющих российские организации! Для внесения Ваших тезисов в сборник необходимо предоставить разрешение/экспертное заключение от организации о возможности обнародования (открытого опубликования) результатов. Просим прислать скан-копии разрешений на электронную почту оргкомитета и предоставить оригиналы при регистрации.
16.08.2024 All the notifications on the acceptance of reports have been sent out. In case someone have not received a notification, please contact scientific secretaries.
07.08.2024 The Location section has been created. The information about the location of the conference was added. 
06.08.2024 The Poster presentation list  has been added.
01.08.2024 The Program section has been created. The preliminary list of plenary speakers was added.

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